Saturday, 11 June 2016

System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2 - SCOM Agent Installation process - Part 4

Hello Everyone,

In this blog post, I will explain about SCOM Agent installation methods and requirements. 
SCOM Agent is a small file which is installed on devices as a service to collect required information's based on configured values and share those information to SCOM which then generate alerts or notifications and helps in generating reports. 
For monitoring and collecting required information's, SCOM Agent service must be running on monitored device with latest updates.

There are different methods for installing SCOM Agent.

To see SCOM Prerequisites & Installation Process, Click Here!

To see SCOM Post configurations, Click Here!

To see SCOM Console Overview, Click Here!

Let's start with Methods and requirements for SCOM Agent Files...

SCOM Agent Installation - Methods & Requirements:

Below are the methods for SCOM Agent deployment with prerequisites:

Using Discovery Wizard in SCOM Console:

  • Computer device must be reachable over network in both direction using FQDN.
  • SCOM Agent installation account must be member of local administrator group on computer device.
  • Computer device must be domain joined.

Manual Deployment Using SCOM Setup File:

In this method, we may have different scenario like:
  • Machine is in same domain and same network segment: In this, there is no challenge. You only need to copy the SCOM Setup file to machine, run it, and click on Install Agent. Then provide FQDN for SCOM Management server, Installation Account and Default Port. NOTE: Installation account must be member of local administrator group on the machine.
  • Machine is in same domain but in different segment: In this, Machine must be reachable to SCOM with FQDN, Installation Account must be member of Local Administrator Account and all required ports must be open. Rest all steps are same as above scenario.

Manual Deployment using Command Line:

This method is mostly used for SCOM Agent installation on workgroup machines which are joined to Domain. 

For this method, You must create Trusted root certificate for both SCOM Machine and Computer machine. Both certificates must be installed in trusted root path for FQDN Authentication. 

Also, SCOM Server must be reachable using FQDN over network and all required ports must be opened. For this, You can enter SCOM Server IP and FQDN in host file of computer.

SCOM Server Required Port List:

These are the above methods and requirements for SCOM Agent installation. Below I will show you one of the above method step by step with screenshots for SCOM agent deployment.

SCOM Agent Deployment using Discovery Wizard:

Open SCOM Console, Click on Administration Tab, Right click on Device Management and Click on Discovery Wizard:

Select option which You want to manage, I have selected Windows Computers:

Select Advanced Discovery and Tick mark on verify discovered computer can be contacted:

Click on Browse, give the computer name which You want to monitor and click next:

Click on Discover:

NOTE: If you have selected Management Server action account then be sure that this account is member of local administrator group on the computer device. Else provide other account details which has local administrator rights.

Select the discovered computer and click Next:

Click Finish:

Monitor Job:

Click Close once job is completed. If any issue then it will display error details with ID which helps You identifying the root cause for failure.

Now, You can see Managed device in Agent Managed section:

Monitor health status in Windows Computer:

This is the complete process for SCOM Agent deployment using discovery method.

In my next post, I will explain about many other features like PRO-Tips configurations between SCVMM and SCOM, reporting etc.

Happy Reading!!!

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