Sunday, 10 April 2016

System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 R2 - Configuring Service Template using VM Template - Part 6

Hello Everyone,

In this post, I will explain You about other feature of SCVMM, Scale-out of VMs through Service Templates. 

Before starting, I would like to share brief explanation about Service Template. 

When we are offering any service like Web Service, SQL Service etc to users, then resource utilization may varies to very high level which may cause the machine in hanged state and connection loss with services. Sometimes it may requires to take reboot as well. To overcome this issue, we can use Scale-out feature of SCVMM which will create a new instance of VM with same configurations in few minutes only whenever utilization may varies the threshold values for resource utilization and then new traffic will be routed to new instance thereby removing the issue for hanged state of machines. 

Once You will see the deployment, You will understand the use and process how it works.

Let's start with prerequisites & deployment of Service Template.

To see SCVMM Overview, Click Here!

To see Prerequisites and Installation Process, Click Here!

To see Post Installation Configurations, Click Here!

To see SCVMM Console Overview, Click Here!

To see Configuring Library Server, Creation of VM Templates and Deploy VM through Templates, Click Here!

Let's start all points one by one in details... ;)


Below are the prerequisites for Service Templates configurations & deployment:
  • Create VM Template: Configure with required prerequisites in Template like Enable MAC Spoofing in Network, Choose static IP & Mac Address, Define Domain Details, Define Identity Information & Enable Features: NLB, RSAT-NLB
  • Configure VIP template
  • IP Pool
  • Reserved IP for Virtual NLB
NOTE: Identity Information includes names like ABCD# or ABCD## or ABCD###, where "#" define the Number (1,2,3,.....). If You have given single # then instance count can vary upto 0 to 9. After that if need to scale-out new instance then it will create new instance with warning message. Similar for ## that You can scale-out from 0 to 99 and so on...

Configuring Prerequisites:

Configure VM Templates:

You can see my previous post how to create VM Templates. Below are the screens for configuring prerequisites in VM Template for Service Template.

Open the properties of VM Templates and Click Next:

On the Network Adapter, enable the spoofing of MAC address & Select static IP/MAC Address:

Define the Identity Information:

Define the required Features:

Define Domain details:

Click next, next and then Click Create:

VM Template is now ready to be used for Service Template.

Create VIP Template:

Go to fabric tab, Expand Networking, Right click on VIP Templates and Click on Create VIP Template:

Give name, description and port:

Click Next:

Click Next:

Click Next:

Click Finish:

Configure Networking setting for Load Balancer VIPs:

Open properties of IP Pool (For configuring network in SCVMM, see my previous post), Click on IP Address range and Give IP for Load balancer VIP from the IP Range:

Give domain IP and name:

All prerequisites is ready now.

Service Template - Configure & Deployment:

Create Service Template:

Go to library tab, expand Templates, right click on Service template and click on Create Service Template:

Choose the Tier for Service Template, Give name and Version:

NOTE: You can choose One-, Two- & Three-Tier Template. You can deploy multiple Service VMs using single service template. In this post, I have used single tier template.

Drag the VM Template to Service Template, Click on "This computer tier can be scale-out", give minimum, maximum and default instance count for VMs:

Click on Load Balancer from Menu Tab:

Click on Connector from Menu Tab:

Connect the load balancer with network as shown below:

Click Save & Validate and then Click on Configure Deployment from Menu Tab:

Select destination:

Click Refresh Preview:

Click Deploy Service from Menu Tab and then Click Deploy:

Monitor Job:

Job Completed:

Both instance VMs are ready now:

Virtual NLB between both machines are already configured. When You scaleout for new instance VM then it will automatically added in NLB:

Scale-out for New instance deployment:

Right click on Service Name and Click on Scale-out:

Click 5 times next (NOTE: You don't need to give anything now, just need to click Next. All settings are already then and there as per previous deployed instances) and then Click Scale-out:

Monitor Job:

New instance VM is created successfully:

New instance VM is added to NLB automatically:

This is all about Service Template for Scale-out. 

NOTE: The above procedure is for Manual scale-out.To automate this process, we need to integrate SCVMM with SCOM and SCO where SCOM will monitor for resource utilization based on threshold value set by administrator and SCO will run script to scale-out the new instance when that threshold value will meet and stay same for some time (say for 5 mins, as per set by administrator in script). This will be in cycle between all three components.

Also, whatever service You want to deploy, configure all prerequisites in VM Template before configuring & deploying Service Template like installing IIS for web application services or SQL template configuration for SQL service.

In my coming post, I will show You utilization reports by configuring PRO-Tips between SCVMM & SCOM. Before showing PRO-Tips configuration, I will cover installation & configuration for SCOM in next post to maintain sequence.

Happy Reading!!!

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