Sunday, 28 August 2016

Hyper-V - Network Configurations Concept & Process - Part 3

Hello Everyone,

In this post, I will explain the concept & process for configuring Network in Windows Servers & Hyper-V Switch level.

I am not an expert but whatever I will share in this post will be based on my experience & knowledge... For different scenarios, it may also differ but I am sure that this post will definitely clear Your concept for network configurations...

I am not sharing complete network theory here... only concept which will be used for Hyper-V & Virtualisation environment will be shared.

Do share Your queries if any, I will try my best to answer Your queries... :)

To see Hyper-V Features, Click Here!

To see Hyper-V Installation Process & Console Overview, Click Here!

Let's start in details...

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For creating Virtual Environment over Hyper-V Server, Network configuration must be configured in correct way as per Your requirement. If this is not configured correctly before running in production environment and later needs to change or troubleshoot then this may cause down-time & business level impacts... So for creating new environment, You must plan & configure everything in sequence...

Network configuration is major part which must be configured correctly... So, I have created some different scenarios based on my experiences which I am sharing with You all... 

Below are the different concepts which can be used to understand & implement in Your environment...

NOTE: I have assumed 6 physical network adaptor in Physical Server. This may differ in Your environment so You must change concept accordingly... From below concept, You will understand the logic used & process to configure the same.

Concept 1 - Network Configuration without Teaming:

Refer below architecture diagram:


There are 2 Layers defined in this concept:

  • Physical Network Layer: This are the physical adaptors which is visible on physical server (Hyper-V Host) in network connection console.
  • Hyper-V Switch Layer: This is created over physical network layer using Hyper-V Virtual Switch Manager which will be used in virtual servers for communication over network.
As You can see in above diagram, We have 6 physical network with no team... We have 2 NICs as disabled which can be used later for any different purpose in environment...

1 NIC (MGMT1) is used for Management Network where Management IP will be assigned to connect to the server via RDP.

1 NIC (PROD1) is used for Production Network where Production (Virtual Server IP) will be assigned and over which Hyper-V switch is created. That Hyper-V switch is tagged to Virtual Machines which helps in communication between Virtual Machines & Hyper-V Host.

Other 2 NICs are used for Heartbeat IP or Live Migration IP.

Concept 2 - Network Configuration with Teaming using default VLAN ID:

Refer below Architecture Diagram:


In this concept, One additional Layer is added between Physical Network Layer & Hyper-V Switch Layer known as Logical (Team) Network Layer.

As seen in the above diagram, All network adaptors are enabled.

2 NICs (MGMT1 & MGMT2) are teamed together to create new logical network over which MGMT IP is assigned. In this case if any of NIC got disabled or crashed, still network will be connected via another network adapter... This is concept of High Availability on network level from OS End.

Similarly, 2 NICs (PROD1 & PROD2) are teamed together to create new logical network and Hyper-V Switch is created on this teamed logical network where Production IP will be assigned to communicate with virtual servers from Hyper-V Host.

Other 2 NICs are used for Heartbeat IP or Live Migration IP.

Concept 3 - Network Configuration with Teaming for Multiple VLAN ID's:

Refer below architecture diagram:


Mostly used concept in many companies... Reason is because for 1 network segment, there may be multiple VLAN's used in production environment so in that case, how to configure multiple VLAN over 1 logical network is important to know.

As seen in above diagram, There are 4 layers now:
  • Physical Network
  • Logical (Team) Network
  • Logical Interface Layer over Logical (Team) Network
  • Hyper-V Switch 
Concept is similar to above one but one additional layer is added between Logical Network & Hyper-V switch known as Logical Interface Layer.

In this layer, Multiple Interface network with different VLAN ID's are created over 1 Logical (Team) network thereby segregating the 1 network segment into multiple sub-network segments with different VLAN ID's.

Hyper-V Switch is then created for each separate interface switch and tagged to virtual environment accordingly... In more simple term, You can tagged different VLAN ID Switch to different Virtual machine with segregation of IPs. 

Other 2 NICs are used for Heartbeat IP or Live Migration IP.

  • For Live Migration, we can use Production IP as well but due to network traffic, most of the company refer to configure separate network IP for live migration.
  • For Clustering Environment, it is recommended to have similar network configuration on all the clustered nodes. (Will explain in Network Configuration Process steps)


Concept is already explained with help of architecture diagram... This can be differ with environment so this is explained to understand logic...

Now, How to configure network based on requirement is important to know. I have noticed that in configuring many of IT Professionals do mistakes and later either in configuring fail-over cluster or any reason, they face challenges and need to either re-configure or troubleshoot issues...

So, it's better to understand the process and configure the same for all nodes in clustered environment...

Let's start with process...

NOTE: I am explaining this via my lab and I have only 1 server with 1 NIC... Other adaptors are for wifi etc...

Open network connection console using Run Command - ncpa.cpl:

Now, here understand the important thing...

NAME & DEVICE NAME are 2 important thing in configuring network connection on clustered nodes... 

You must sort them with Device Name & then change Name in sequence... See example below.


I have 6 NICs with Name & Device Name as shown below:

As shown in diagram, All NICs are sorted in ascending order & Named in sequence as first 2 NICs for Management & next 2 NICs for Production & Next 2 NICs for Heartbeat & LiveMigration respectively.

For clustering environment, where you need to create cluster with multiple node, network configuration must be similar like if You name each network adaptors with device name as shown in above then this should be configured in same manner on all clustered nodes.

This is the main concept/logic to start configuring network which most of the IT Professionals do wrong configurations and later result in trouble due to any reason.

Once this is done, Now  process comes to configure Team between network adaptors...

How to configure Team between 2 network adaptors:

Open Server Manager, Click on Local Server & Then click on Disabled in-front of NIC Teaming:

A new window will open. I have marked 3 numbers (1, 2 & 3) which are the important points in NIC Teaming:

Number 1 - Teaming: In this, Logical (Team) Network is created by clicking on Task & then New Team.

Number 2 - Adaptors & Interface: In this, You can view network adaptors available with speed & team interfaces details.

Number 3 - Team Interface: In this, You create multiple team interface over the Logical (Team) Network with different VLAN IDs.

In Team Section, Click on Tasks & then Click on New Team:

Here You need to define Team Name, Select Adaptor & configure Advance Properties as per Your need:

NOTE: See Standby Adaptor: This gives You option to configure Team in Active-Passive mode where 1 NIC will be active & 1 NIC will be in passive state... By default both NICs are in active-active state.

Click OK... Team Adaptor is created. Now click on Team Interface by selecting Team Adaptor, then click on Task & then Click on Add Interface:

Here, You can define Interface Name & VLAN ID and Click OK:

This is how You can create multiple VLAN ID Interface on single Logical (Team) Network over which You can created and map separate Hyper-V Switch to each interface.

As I can not create Team in my server so I will now show You how to create Hyper-V switch using physical adaptor only... same process will be used for concept 2 & 3...

How to Create Hyper-V Switch:

Open Hyper-V Console and Click on Virtual Switch Manager:

Now, You will see 3 types of switch:

  • External
  • Internal
  • Private

Click on External & then Click on Create Virtual Switch:

Give Name, Select Network Adaptor, Give VLAN ID if any, Click Apply & OK:

NOTE: When You create teamed logical network & team interfaces then they are listed in drop down with device name so map them accordingly.

Once it is created then You can see the same in Network Connection:

Now, This Hyper-V Switch will be tagged to Virtual Machines for communication over network.

This is all about Network Configuration Concept & Process.

Happy Reading!!!

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