Saturday 17 September 2016

Hyper-V - Other Tasks - Part 8

Hello Everyone,

In this post, I will explain some of the other tasks which can be performed using hyper-v console like creating blank VHD, adding disk to VM, checkpoint etc...

PART 1: To see Hyper-V Features, Click Here!

PART 2: To see Hyper-V Installation Process & Console Overview, Click Here!

PART 3: To see Hyper-V Network Configuration Concept & Process, Click Here!

PART 4: To see Hyper-V Console Overview & Configuration changes, Click Here!

PART 5: To see Hyper-V Creating VM, Export & Import VM, Click Here!

PART 6: To see Disaster Recovery Configuration & Testing using Hyper-V Replica, Click Here!

PART 7: To see Expanding IDE controller VHD size, Click Here!


There are some of the below tasks which can be performed via Hyper-V Console:

Create Blank VHD:

Open Hyper-V console, on right hand side in Actions pane, Click on New & then Click on Hard Disk:

Choose format: VHD or VHDX:

Choose Type:

Give Name & Path for VHD:

Define Size:

Click Finish:

Wait for progress:

Completed, You can now add this blank disk to VM:

Add Blank VHD to VM:

Right Click on VM & then Click on Settings:

NOTE: If VM is running then You can not add disk so make sure VM is off:

Select Hard Drive & Click Add:

Click on Browse:

Select Disk:

Click Apply & OK:

Start the VM & Open Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc):

Disk is Added successfully:

Expand VHD Online:

Open Hyper-V Console & Click on Edit Disk from Action Pane:

Select Disk to Expand:

NOTE: To Convert Disk from VHD to VHDX or vice versa, You need to power-off the VM.

Click Next:

Click Next:

Give the max size which You want to expand: (I have give 15 GB, 5GB additional size):

Click Finish:

Wait for progress:

Open VM and Check in Disk Management, 5 GB is added online:

Inspect Disk:

Click on Inspect Disk in Action Pane to see:

  • Disk Format
  • Disk Type
  • Disk Current File Size
  • Maximum Disk Size

See the Virtual Hard Disk Properties:

Checkpoint (In Windows Server 2012 R2) & Snapshot (In Windows Server 2012):

Good feature of hyper-v - mostly used for DEV & TEST Environment where if anything goes wrong then You can revert it to previous stage using checkpoint backup. This creates an .avhdx backup file.

NOTE: If You created multiple checkpoints then delete checkpoints in reverse sequence... EX: If checkpoint is created like A, B, C, D then Deletion process will be D, C, B, A.

Right click on VM & then Click on Checkpoint:

Process started:


Based on the no. of disk, it will create .avhdx files in folder:

How to Apply Checkpoint?

Before taking checkpoint, I had created many folders in VM Desktop so I will delete them all:

All Folders deleted now:

Right click on Checkpoint & Click Apply:

Click Apply:

Saving the changes in VM with old settings:

Once done, Open VM & See all folders will be there as it is:

Same way if You want to delete checkpoint then right click on it and click on either delete checkpoint or delete checkpoint sub-tree.

This is all about some basic tasks which can be performed.

Almost I have covered all hyper-v related tasks in all posts. If anyone have any query then feel to to write Your query on post.... I will revert ASAP.

Now, I will Post on Hyper-V 2016 features... :)

Happy Reading!!!

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